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The Incredible Voyage of Stingray (1980)

    The Incredible Voyage of Stingray (1980)

  • Zanr: United Kingdom, Film, Family, 1980, Sci-fi, T
  • The Incredible Voyage of Stingray (1980) on IMDb
  • Lud@k | Pregleda: 30 | Rejting: 0.0 od 5 | Glasalo: 0 | 25.Jan.2025 11:36 | 0
  • Alternativni plejer #1 | Pogledaj Trailer
Avanture super-podmornice Stingrai i Svetske akvanautske bezbednosne patrole i njihove bitke protiv Titana, vođe podvodnog grada Titanika.

Directors: David Elliott, John Kelly, Alan Pattillo
Writers: Gerry Anderson, Sylvia Anderson, Alan Fennell
Stars: Don Mason, Robert Easton, Ray Barrett
Trailer Plejer #1 Plejer #3 Player #CC

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